Saturday 15 December 2018

7 Steps to have More Energy (Org. How can I get more energy Author Richie P.)


I often find myself talking to people about energy a few times daily. The first question I ask them is, “What are you eating?” The response is one of the two: “I eat healthy,” or “Well, I eat when I can, but usually pretty good”. As the conversation continues, I find out that those two responses are usually off just a bit. Here are 7 ways to obtain more energy daily.


Eating well-balanced meals is the best way to be efficient and to teach your body what to do with carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. There are many trending diets that can get you where you want to be. However, they are not sustainable and you find yourself right back where you started a few months later. Here is a tip to increase morning energy naturally: HYDRATE! Drink 12-20 ounces of water upon waking up. EAT! Food is energy, so eat some protein so your body knows to begin functioning. Have some fat so your body knows to utilize fat for energy. Carbs can wait until mid-morning since your glycogen was replenished when you were sleeping. We want to wait until we use the carbs in storage, then replenish. Bigger meals should be eaten in the daytime as more energy is needed and your metabolism slows down toward the evening.


Everyone is different when it comes to how much sleep we should get in a night. The common amount of sleep needed is 6-8 hours per night. If you are in that range, you should be good. To better your quality of sleep, here are a few tricks. Do deep breathing exercises to calm the brain and body down from a long day. Write in a journal to release any thoughts that are lingering and creating tension. Drink something hot like chamomile tea to promote relaxation by soothing the inner body. Have a little stretch session to release body tension and, of course, have a little water after to flush out the toxins. Try some of these things to promote a better quality of sleep.


What inspires you? Some studies I have read have shown that inspired people will climb up the ladder faster and bring out their best self. Whatever inspires you, make sure you see it every day as a reminder of what you want and where you’re heading. This should give you some energy. 


Having a team behind you when you’re having a challenging day is a great energy boost. We look toward our friends, family, and coworkers to support our decisions or help us to make better choices. 


Telling someone that you love them and hearing that you are loved is an amazing feeling. Feeling wanted, whether it's in a romantic relationship, friendship, or an appreciation will keep you on point and energized throughout your day. 


 Asking yourself questions like: Who am I as a person? What am I passionate about? This process should be exciting. Getting to know yourself is very energetic. You have a voice and you matter. Have you ever been in a conversation with someone or next to someone that has a glow or strong energy that you gravitate toward? Find your passion and let it flow through you!


What imprint would you like to leave behind? Is there anything you want to be remembered for? Some people want to keep their family name going. Others may want to be in the hall of fame or Guinness Book of World Records. Knowing that you are on your path is a great feeling that can wake you up every morning with a smile and eagerness to start your day.
Energy will remain one of the most talked about topics. People use many different caffeine supplements and drinks on the daily. Most people take in 3 times over the recommended daily consumption and yet we still ask “how can I get more energy?”. Take time to appreciate who you are. Look in the mirror and say “I love you” to yourself. Create a clear, clean channel to activate and awake the untapped energy inside of us. The abundance of energy lives inside all of us, you might as well have a say in how it gets expended.

Friday 14 December 2018

Rich Creations Launches Energizing Website and New Revitalizing Supplement

Los Angeles, California – July 6th, 2017. Rich Creations, LLC announced today the launch of its informative new website to coincide with the launch of their new, all-natural revitalizing dietary liquid supplement and cognitive enhancer, Rich Recovery™. The highly concentrated supplement takes a scientific approach built from naturally occurring compounds, (Alpha-GPC + Citicoline, N-Acetyl L-Tyrosine, R-ALA, Eleuthero Root and Korean Ginseng, Ubiquinone CoQ10, L-Theanine) which together provide a unique formula that can only be found in our proprietary blend.
Rich Recovery™ is available online through its website  The informative website embraces the science behind the product and while educating its consumer of the long term benefits. Rich Recovery™ is a healthy alternative to preservative filled caffeinated energy drinks while serving as a friendly option for people with diabetes and high blood pressure. The non-caffeinated, preservative free, low sodium, high magnesium and high potassium formula is geared to enhance cognitive function and boost energy naturally. The company mission is to provide a means of achieving a happy, healthier lifestyle. Rich Recovery's mantra of "being ready for the next round" was conceived while thinking of but not limited to athletes in training, students studying, working professionals or just people looking to experience greater joy in living without the limitations of fatigue.
Rich Recovery's inventor, Richie Petruziello, says, "I believe that everyone's lifestyle has a next round. For too long 'energy' has been synonymous with caffeinated drinks that seem to focus more on jitters and less on health. It has been my vision to create a supplement that revitalizes as well as energizes without compromising one's health. We are ALL entitled to the next round and I believe we have found the path to it."

Thursday 13 December 2018


Have you ever thought of the best and smartest way to get relieved from stress? Laughter? Yes, laughter! This is no joke, as more giggles and guffaws are the best when it comes to getting relieved from stress. No matter how you are laughing; whether at a sitcom on TV or at a newspaper cartoon, laughter does best when looking for the best stress relief option. All you need is to just laugh for 60 seconds and get relieved! Since health is wealth, you need to laugh a lot to remain healthy.

Stress Relief from Laughter

As they always say that, “laughter is the best medicine”, it can relieve people from several ailments making them healthy. There are both short and long-term benefits of laughter.

Short-Term Benefits Of Laughter

  • Laughter helps to stimulate many organs – Laughter helps to boost oxygen intake into your body, stimulates your lungs, heart, and muscles, thereby increasing the release of endorphins by your brain.
  • Laughter can activate and relieve your stress response – When you laugh a lot for 60 seconds, you will fires up and cool down your stress response. This can help improve your heart rate and blood pressure and you will feel relaxed at the end of the day.
  • Laughter helps to soothe tension – Laughter can help to stimulate blood circulation and aid muscle relaxation; these can help reduce some of the known symptoms of stress.

Long-Term Effects Of Laughter

  • Laughter may improve your immune system – Since negative thoughts can induce more stress into your body and positive thoughts can cause the release of neuropeptides that help fight stress and reduce potentially more-serious illnesses, you can laugh to improve your positive thoughts.
  • Relieve pain – Laughter may help ease the pain by allowing the body to produce its own natural painkillers to fight pain.
  • Increase personal satisfaction – Laughter helps to boost personal satisfaction and makes it easier to cope with difficult situations. When you laugh, it makes it easy to connect with other people.
  • Improve your mood – Laughter can help reduce depression and anxiety for those that experience depression due to chronic illnesses. Laughter makes you feel happier.

Improve Your Sense Of Humor

If you find it hard to boost your sense of humour, you can learn it and this is very easy. Follow the simple steps below:
  • Put humour on your horizon – Look for simple items like greeting cards photos, or comic strips that make you giggle. Hang these photos and keep funny movies and books to boost your sense of humour. Go to a comedy club and look for comedy online.
  • Consider trying laughter yoga – This is very easy to do because you will laugh as a group. You will force yourself first and you will get used to it soon.
  • Share a laugh – Take your time to make your friends laugh with you. Share funny jokes with friends and laugh together.
  • Learn to laugh at funny jokes – Know what is funny and don’t laugh at the expense of others.
In addition to laughing for 60 seconds to lower your stress, you need to add more vitamins to your brain and body. To add these missing vitamins, you need to start using Get Rich Recovery for better wellness. Open up your mouth and laugh while adding Rich Recovery stress-balancing formula into your brain. Rich Recovery helps to boost physical endurance and boost clarity, endurance, and immunity. To have a taste of this stress balancing in a bottle, click here to order now.

Monday 10 December 2018

High Achiever Brain Hacks with Rich Recovery® Best Energy Drink

We seem to get busier and busier as the digital world speeds us up by giving us access
to more and more every day. We found a healthy solution for high achievers with the
following brain hacks and Rich Recovery® nootropic, a non-caffeinated preservative
free clean energy supplement.

Between family obligations, work, and social events, it is important to take care of our
health and lower stress as much as possible while staying focused on your goal. A high
achiever is someone who believes that their tomorrow will always be bigger and better
than yesterday – it doesn’t matter who you are an entrepreneur, an athlete or just a person
in life, you are pressed to be a high achiever. These types of people are striving to grow, serve
more and always be better.
We are here to help you eliminate unnecessary stress producing elements, like high caffeine
energy drinks and preservative filled supplements that try to keep you focused, alert and
energised, but leave you with a crash and unbalanced.

"Most high achievers have some degree of ADHD"
Rate’s work found in this Forbes article written by Jim Kim, investor, and author of shares, "Dr. John Rates, a world-renowned psychiatrist and associate
professor at Harvard Medical School based his early work on Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD). Based on this, he was able to discover the use of exercise as natural energy boosters
and to help patients who have difficulty in maintaining focus for extended periods. ADHD is used
for those whose brain activity is identified by an ongoing pattern of inattention or hyperactivity,
which interferes with daily function or development.

In line with this, most high achievers have ADHD because their brains are hyper-focused
when they are exploring uncharted territories, thinking about brilliant ideas or solving difficult
problems. This is where natural energy supplements are useful. Ratey was able to find out different
benefits that exercise has on the brain; some of these include stroke risk, lowering blood pressure,
and improving blood flow to the brain.
How To Be A High Achiever
To be a high achiever, start by discovering what matters to you in a big way like getting enough
vitamins for energy. That thing must mean enough to you to spark a fire inside of you and that
you are willing to do whatever it takes to get it done. You may know what that is already. What’s
important is to have the passion to reach the goals consistently with support. What's next is to
set a PERK (Perfect Energy Rich Kick) for yourself, which is in line with your passion while combining
health, wealth and wellbeing.

A super achiever is always thinking about maximising results with a constant here, there and
what's next attitude. What is important is to be able to achieve the goal after several challenges
that will make you push the envelope to get it done. Always understand that you grow as a person
every time you stretch your restrictions and push your limits.
10 Brain Hacks from the World's Highest Achievers – Impact Theory
One of the latest episodes of Impact Theory discussed between Agent Smith and Tom Bilyeu, which
is known as 10 Brain Hacks from the World's Highest Achievers. This has many topics including:
  • How to build a learner's mindset
  • Practical steps on reframing your mindset
  • How to apply takeaways from the content you consume
  • Building your identity around the things that move you forward
  • Three hacks to get better at keeping the focus on your goals and tasks among several others.
Spotlight Series
High achiever brain hack with the best energy is a combination of things, including community
support. We all have heard this statement, " you can't do it alone", although subscribing to the
notion that being a super achiever, with a brain hack nation mentality is good, it can also wear
your body down. Rich Recovery® provides ongoing support, not only for your brain and heart
health but for your overall mind, body, and spirit. When you sign up for Get Rich Recovery®
Spotlight Series, free members community, you will receive insights, recipes, mindfulness practice
and workouts featuring successful entrepreneurs, and performance edge thought leaders. Rich
Recovery® isn't just a product, we believe wellness is a lifestyle.

You can subscribe to our Spotlight Series here.. You can also follow Tom Bilyeu
on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Some Final Thoughts

You will be able to accomplish your work as a high achiever when you are able to follow a
system that creates a workflow rhythm, which is necessary for completion-centric planning.
You need to learn to pursue your goals with a fierce determination and delight and with the right
natural energy supplements.

Trying to get things done may leave you feeling stressed. Look into naturally clean energy boosters to
suppress stress. One sure brain power in a bottle is Rich Recovery®. Rich Recovery® is full of rich
vitamins and brain-boosting nutrients for clean energy with no crash. You can visit here for more